Lebron James competing with Michael Jordan outside the basketball court

Published June 28, 2022 at 8:56

LeBron James and Michael Jordan are considered by every fan to be either number 1 or number 2 on their all time NBA GOAT debate.

While everyone is debating on who is the greatess on the court, these two were fighting outside the court at the 2022 San Fransisco Spirits competition.

The best Reposado Tequila award was down to the final 2 contestant with Lebron James' tequila brand, Lobos 1707 and Michael Jordan's Cincoro tequila.

The King took the win this time by relegating the second place to MJ.

If you paid attention to the NBA finals, you could see NBA player Draymond Green from the Golden State Warrior, also an investir in LeBron James tequila, celebrading his NBA Championship with the Lobos 1707 tequila.

Not only James is trying to pass Jordan's on the court but he is also trying to surpass him as a businessman now. Whoever wins don't really matter as their accomplishments as players and in business are astonishing.

June 28   |   136 answers
Lebron James competing with Michael Jordan outside the basketball court

Who is the GOAT?

Lebron James4835.3 %
Michael Jordan8864.7 %
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