Tiger Woods comes up with a dazzling response when asked who the GOAT was.

Published August 29, 2022 at 10:25

The most famous question surrounding the NBA history is who is the GOAT ( greatest player of all time). Before Lebron emerged in the league, there was really no debate to this question. Michael Jordan was regarded as the Greatest Player of all time, no questions asked.

However, after 19 years of pure dominance by Lebron James, the gap between both players surely has tightened and Lebron seems to be getting more of the recency bias.

The GOAT in Golf was asked the famous question on who would he chose between both Jordan and Lebron. Here is his brilliant answer :

They're both great in different ways. If you look at MJ, he was a prolific scorer and played defense like no other, always first-team all-defense, but LeBron is different. He's like a hybrid of MJ and Magic (Johnson), which is so different because he's bringing the ball up a lot. MJ never really did that. I mean, he had Pip (Scottie Pippen) as a point forward a lot of times, and you would think that's kind of LeBron-ish, but they're very different in how they help both teams.

What MJ did, getting to the Finals and dominating the league like he did, he did it in a different way than LeBron's doing it. Just because of the nature of their bodies, their builds and their game and their mental make-up. But at the end of the day, they both win. They're both guys that we look at and say it's unbelievable what they're doing. They're just changing the game, the game how it's played. We didn't know it could be played that way and they both have done it.

Here is the full video, you can start at around 2:18.

Both players are definitely ranked 1-2 in the all time list, however it mostly comes down to preference on who to choose. Their stats are pretty close, Lebron will surpass Kareem as the all time leading scorer in NBA history, but will he surpass Jordan in his 6 rings? Doubt it.

At the end of the day, we are all blessed and grateful to have been able to watch both these dominant athletes set history in the NBA, because we truly dont know if there will be another Lebron James or Michael Jordan.
August 29   |   56 answers
Tiger Woods comes up with a dazzling response when asked who the GOAT was.

Who would you pick?

Lebron1933.9 %
Jordan3766.1 %